2022 is already giving us the feels -- those self-care feels, those show love feels, a bunch of "I need some good luck" feels, and, of course, those I just need a moment feels. Our spring featured flavors can satisfy those feels.
For your inner romantic come in and grab your favorite coffee or tea for yoursel and/or a special someone:
Cupid's Nutty Delight (hazelnut, vanilla, espresso and milk)
White Chocolate Kiss (white chocolate, frosted mint, Irish cream, espresso and milk)
Love Potion #9 TeBella Fog (Black tea blend of chocolate covered strawberries, vanilla and milk)
Or when you need a bit of Irish charm these coffees and teas will make you feel golden:
Dublin Irish Cream (vanilla, Irish cream, espresso and milk)
Irish Blessing (caramel, Irish cream, espresso and milk)
Spiced Irish TeBella Fog (Earl Grey tea, vanilla, Irish cream, and milk)
Sometimes you just need a cup of deliciousness, and these are guaranteed to hit the spot:
Praline White Mocha (praline, white chocolate, espresso and milk)
Coconut Mocha (chocolate, frosted mint, coconut, espresso and milk)